(08) 9281 9281 admin@e2o.com.au

Meet Art, Senior Project Engineer for e2o.

Art joined Clough and e2o earlier this year amidst COVID-19 restrictions and floods but in no time found his place in the tendering team, coordinating and executing tenders and EOIs. Since then, Art has become an integral part of the team, and is now leading his first lump sum project for e2o.

Art completed his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Universidad Simon Bolivar, and Automotive Mechanic Trade in Venezuela, before completing a master’s degree at the University of Sydney.

Art’s start in the engineering and construction industry started somewhat unconventionally…

“To be honest, I didn’t choose to work in the EPC industry, I found myself working in this industry after being asked to temporarily move from a sales role to replace an engineer that had left at a previous company.

After a few months, it was clear I was hooked, and I requested to be assigned permanently.

I chose to join Clough and e2o because I wanted to be part of a company with a strong history and the tools and resources to dominate the exciting market that will occur in the next few years.

Not many construction companies in Australia have a robust engineering capability like Clough does. I believe this will be critical in the next few years as more projects develop.

I am currently the Project Manager for the Bundaberg CUI project which got awarded in June. I will be leading a team of approximate 50 individuals to upgrade the Port of Bundaberg by installing new conveyors, transfer stations and modifications to existing assets.

Most of my career has been in the oil and gas industry, first as a drilling engineer, then as a sales engineer and finally moving into engineering and construction of oil and gas assets.

Outside engineering and construction, I spent over half a decade drilling for oil from onshore rigs and offshore platforms across the Americas.

I am extremely passionate about what e2o will be able to bring to the marketplace by combining experienced personnel, Clough’s engineering resources and systems, with a nimble but very ambitious approach.

The journey over the next few years will be a fantastic one for young engineers to grow their careers alongside what I expect to be a quick expansion for both Clough and e2o.”

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