(08) 9281 9281 admin@e2o.com.au

Privacy Policy

Scope and Purpose

As a business e2o manages individual privacy and the security of personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 and this covers the information handling practices and the purposes for which the e2o business may collect, use and disclose personal information.

The purpose of the Privacy Statement is to provide a framework which governs how e2o manages the collection, use, disclosure, protection and disposal of certain personal information to ensure that at all times we comply with the Privacy Law and the associated privacy principles.    

The type of personal information that e2o may collect is broad and will depend on the circumstances in question, but may include a person’s name, address, phone number, email address or other contact details, medical records, employment history, qualifications, bank account details, tax details, photos, videos or details of membership to any association or organisation.

Collection and Holding of Personal Information

We only collects personal information that is necessary for us to perform our core business functions and activities.  All personal information e2o acquires is collected, used, disclosed and otherwise treated in accordance with the law, including but not limited to the Privacy Law.  Where possible, e2o collects personal information during the course of its relationship directly with individuals and where this is not possible, e2o may also collect personal information by other acceptable means.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

Primarily, e2o will use, hold and disclose personal information in connection with the seeking to supply our clients with professional engineering services, products or information for a legitimate business purpose, to the extent permitted by law, and for a purpose for which it was collected.

Personal information may cover and include one or more of the following:

(a) assessment of a potential employee or contractor’s suitability for a particular position/role;
(b) sending information regarding an existing or potential employee or contractor to potential clients as part of a tender submission/bid;
(c) seeking client approval to engage an employee or contractor or on-board an individual to a particular project;
(d) monitoring, reviewing and assessing the performance of an employee or contractor of e2o;
(e) ensuring the security, health and safety of all e2o personnel and responding to a complaint and or conducting a formal investigation.

Security of Personal Information

The security of personal information is of utmost importance to e2o and we will take all appropriate action and reasonable precautions to safeguard and protect personal information that it collects from loss, interference, misuse, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. 

International/ Cross-Border Disclosure of Personal Information

E2o (including its joint venture partners, affiliates and clients) operates and conducts business in various international locations. 

We may be required to disclose personal information to parties who are not located in Australia or an external stakeholder (including but not limited to overseas clients, joint venture partners, affiliates) (Overseas Recipient) as part of e2o’s primary functions and activities. 

We will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that an Overseas Recipient does not breach the Australian Privacy Principles in relation to the information.

Access and correction to personal information

Generally, e2o endeavors to comply with any reasonable request to detail our information handling practices.  Sufficient steps are taken to outline the type of personal information e2o holds, for what purposes and how such information is collected, used, stored and disclosed.

An individual may request access to any of the personal information that e2o holds about them.  We will provide an individual with access to personal information pertaining to them following a reasonable request and upon the verification by e2o, to its reasonable satisfaction, of the identity of that individual. 

We will endeavor to handle all requests for access to personal information as quickly as possible and will also take appropriate action to correct any personal information which is deemed to be inaccurate, incomplete or not up to date.

Currency of our Privacy Statement

A copy of this e2o Privacy Statement will be made available at all times on the related company website and this Privacy Statement will be reviewed at least every three years or otherwise in accordance with the Privacy Laws and any such changes or amendments.